Sunday, November 2, 2008

Here Go's

Alright, so I've been hearing all this Hype about this site from a couple respected fellows, so I guess I'm pretty curious how this will work out.
To start out, Halloween, she did me well. Lily's was way fun, and Dallas' was just insane I don't know who DIDN'T get drunk that night, then a day of RnR with a buffet and seeing Zach and Miri which was definitely one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time.

On that note. It was a good weekend to end on
time to hang up the fermented beverages and all tobacco sorts.
have to start preparation for the 26 mile Rock 'N' Roll Marathon which right now, for me at least, seems almost impossible but we'll see what happens I guess, and to be honest I'm a little excited to start running and not drinking and what not, it'll be nice. MAYBE I'll even get a job..... but lets not get ahead of ourselves

1 comment:

Justyn said...

The map is provided by Garmin.
