Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I set my alarm to wake me up at 9 this morning so I could start my hunt for a job, I ended up hitting to snooze button a couple times leading me to wake up at 10:30. I figured I could go to the mall and check out some seasonal jobs or online jobs and what not, but fortunately literally right after I woke up, and not very happy because I would have liked to get more sleep, I get a call saying that once my background check goes through I can start my job at UPS. This is very good news for me seeing as it was the One job I applied to when I returned home, I really dislike job hunting and going through interviews, its such a pain. So now I got a job, who would have thought?

One more thing, my ankle is feeling 20 times better so I'm going to attempt to start up on the running again, and if all goes well I can start up a routine every night once again, it will definitely be a great end to my day, I just hope it does not start to hurt again.

So all in all hopefully today will continue to be a wonderful day

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