Monday, November 3, 2008


It's finally starting to feel like fall... and I love it
This is my all time favorite kind of weather, it feels like I'm at the beach
only thing missing.. is some rainnnn, that would be idyllic.

Anyway started running,
goodness, that marathon is gonna be tough, as of right now at least, I hope that in a couple weeks or so I'll be able to run an hour without feeling like my lungs are about to burst. Oddly my legs aren't in as much pain as I thought they would. I'm gonna try and run twice a day for a little while, but we'll see how it goes I want to take it kinda slow seeing as it's been years since i've participated in any kind of physical activity.

One more little 'resolution' I'm going to try to achieve would be cutting out any kind of alcohol of any sort, at first I was planning on just cutting back a whole lot, but I want to try and cut it out all together, BUT the keyword is "TRY" so we'll see how it goes, I'm not saying I'll NEVER drink a beer again, main thing is I want to see how long I can go without it

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