Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blog On

So I guess Obama won? I'm sorry but I really don't care, and I know I should but in my defense you all know I'm just too lazy to. I'm just waiting for some dumb rednecks to try and assassinate him again.

Anyways Last night on my nightly run I rolled my ankle at the very beginning of it
it didn't hurt that bad so I ran my regular route, then this morning I woke up without thinking about it
got out of bed and felt like my Achilles was about to snap, so I iced it for a good 20 minutes and it still hurts
even when I was cleaning my room I had to actually take breaks because it hurt to stand on it, as for tonight I'm going to go ahead and try and go for my regular jog but who knows it I will be able to finish it, just puttin' this out there so maybe if someone of my four friends on here knows anything about this could maybe give me a little hint of advice on what to do. All I'm doing is keeping it wrapped and icing it.

One more thing, anyone have an extra pair of running shoes, all I have is some indoor soccer shoes and they really aren't cutting it and I really don't want to have to go out and buy a pair haha

1 comment:

Justyn said...

There's been an attempted assassination? I didn't even know.

Also, just smear jizz on it. It will heal. I know these things.