Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I love life right now. I have really great people in my life and I am very grateful for you all. We can do a whole lot of nothing but be doing something enjoyable at the same time, if that makes any sense, and it's great! Hopefully these weekends to come will be fun. I heard about this thing called The Parade of Lights down by the harbor. It's on a Sunday, unfortunate for Justyn, but I guess all the boats put up crazy lights and they have fireworks and what not. I assume it's pretty cool, and I think we should definitely think about checking it out seeing as December Nights fell through, and Four Christmases ended being a huge disappointment, but the night to follow made up for it.

Anyway on a sour note, I'm 99.5% sure that I will be, yet again, unemployed after the month of December. Although being without a job will be great, due to the free time, I am going full force in job hunting. I already have a few lined up, and just waiting for a call and interview, along with a few ideas that might turn out somewhat promising in making decent money. I'm going to try and steer clear from being the bumb I was before UPS, even though it's only been a month I feel I've somewhat matured a little bit. It actually feels really good having something to wake up for, and just working in general. So wish me luck.

Alright, well I will now proceed in watching the boob tube, and follow it with some much needed sleep dreaming of the one day my fist will meet Chris Chadwick's gut/kidney or both

Monday, December 1, 2008


SO, we all know what went down this weekend, which was amazing. Some of us made some poor choices, but we all make mistakes, and we can learn from them, in hopes that I actually will. But what a great time we all had I wish I would have stayed, but I guess I left haha. Anyways making drinks with Chris was really fun, being behind that bar was such a blast. Chris was back there for the majority, I was mainly back there anytime a girl wanted a drink for obvious reasons. The No sleep really caught up with me yesterday I fell asleep around 11 which helped me out a lot in the end.

This weekend what are we doing? Cause I'm with Chad for 'Four Christmases', anddddd possibly Ice Skating? or Lights, something, I'm just throwin them out there

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

UPS Update

Just a quick update to the people that matter

Got the job at UPS, I start tomorrow!

So happy and it's weekly pay so I don't have to worry bout money, plus I just got my last paycheck from my old job today, but already had to spend 20 bucks on a stupid Birth Certificate. It's for good reasons in the end.

I just hope I can save a little, it'll be hard with weekly pay haha but we'll see how it goes

Wicky, you still down for a tat?

Happy Holidayyyyys

Christmas is just around the corner, therefore, I would love to start decorating my house to get into the Holiday Spirit. This Friday is the Holiday Lighting Celebration at the Santee Town Centre, soooo, we going or what because I'd love to and get some hot chocolate, bring some baileys, and watch that beautiful Tree go up in gorgeous lights that will bring me to a sensation of PURE happiness and joy once those lights go on, nothing gives me a better feeling than the comfort of christmas bringings.

On this certian subject of Holidays, I'm stoked for NK's 'Black Friday Extraveganza', unfortunately I don't even get to enjoy Thanksgiving, what family doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, according to them I'm the only one that enjoys the food? That's almost the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That makes me Very Upset, I want a Thanksgiving dinner dammit! Anyway 'Black Friday' should be good, if it isn't someone's getting their knees bashed in with an aluminum baseball bat *cough* Chris *cough* haha Just kiddddding, I would never hurt Chad.

And my job at UPS is still Unknown, hope that I get a call tomorrow and that my background check goes through, and that I can start soon so I can have some Mula in my pocketss

One more thing...... let's get the Folk Flowing ....Folk... like FOLK.... I mean like... FOLLLK

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Music & Lyrics

Okay sooo
To my misfortune I am Not used to writing vocals to the new jam
I'm giving it my all, but at this point I seem to be in somewhat of a slump
my mind is frozen and nothing is flowing to me like usual.
First, I have no inspiration, I can't seem to think about any certain subject to dwell upon.
Second I feel I am not capable of writing to this sort of music. I am unaware
of how to go about singing it vocally; tones, melodies, harmonies and so forth.
I think I might have to give it a little time and take a trip somewhere or something to even get me started.
I'm not used to this though, it makes me feel somewhat insecure seeing as Alabaster, I was able
to jot down thoughts and go into them and make a rough estimate of a song within a day. I do not like this one bit! So when and if I miraculously come up with a complete song It will be nothing short of decent haha

I will keep up with trying and listening to it everyday, but I am simply letting you know my progress for it is not up to standards (mine at least). I want to listen to CHAD and take it slow
but this is Killing me slowly on the inside I have lost numerous hours of sleep and have gained at least .5 lbs
haha Just kidding but it is Killing me .....slowly, very slowly, but killing me none the less


So I set my alarm to wake me up at 9 this morning so I could start my hunt for a job, I ended up hitting to snooze button a couple times leading me to wake up at 10:30. I figured I could go to the mall and check out some seasonal jobs or online jobs and what not, but fortunately literally right after I woke up, and not very happy because I would have liked to get more sleep, I get a call saying that once my background check goes through I can start my job at UPS. This is very good news for me seeing as it was the One job I applied to when I returned home, I really dislike job hunting and going through interviews, its such a pain. So now I got a job, who would have thought?

One more thing, my ankle is feeling 20 times better so I'm going to attempt to start up on the running again, and if all goes well I can start up a routine every night once again, it will definitely be a great end to my day, I just hope it does not start to hurt again.

So all in all hopefully today will continue to be a wonderful day

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Run guys

I guess I have to listen to Chad and take a couple days off
I thought it was alright to run tomorrow and maybe saturday and take sunday off
but I just got home and took off my sock and my foot is disgustingly swollen :(
It's a little bit of a set-back but when I start again, I'm going hard for at least a week straight
so Chris you better be ready East side's bringin it hard

Who's with me?

So I'm diggin this whole Health kick we're all going on, it's nice to have some support
but to my misfortune I couldn't run last night due to my ankle, but its actually feeling a lot better

SO now I can go tonight with my new partner Chadwick
he will be joining me for my routine laps

anyway I hope you all read this and agree
that we should put it to the test and play some Football this weekend?!?!
I think it's only proper

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blog On

So I guess Obama won? I'm sorry but I really don't care, and I know I should but in my defense you all know I'm just too lazy to. I'm just waiting for some dumb rednecks to try and assassinate him again.

Anyways Last night on my nightly run I rolled my ankle at the very beginning of it
it didn't hurt that bad so I ran my regular route, then this morning I woke up without thinking about it
got out of bed and felt like my Achilles was about to snap, so I iced it for a good 20 minutes and it still hurts
even when I was cleaning my room I had to actually take breaks because it hurt to stand on it, as for tonight I'm going to go ahead and try and go for my regular jog but who knows it I will be able to finish it, just puttin' this out there so maybe if someone of my four friends on here knows anything about this could maybe give me a little hint of advice on what to do. All I'm doing is keeping it wrapped and icing it.

One more thing, anyone have an extra pair of running shoes, all I have is some indoor soccer shoes and they really aren't cutting it and I really don't want to have to go out and buy a pair haha

Monday, November 3, 2008


It's finally starting to feel like fall... and I love it
This is my all time favorite kind of weather, it feels like I'm at the beach
only thing missing.. is some rainnnn, that would be idyllic.

Anyway started running,
goodness, that marathon is gonna be tough, as of right now at least, I hope that in a couple weeks or so I'll be able to run an hour without feeling like my lungs are about to burst. Oddly my legs aren't in as much pain as I thought they would. I'm gonna try and run twice a day for a little while, but we'll see how it goes I want to take it kinda slow seeing as it's been years since i've participated in any kind of physical activity.

One more little 'resolution' I'm going to try to achieve would be cutting out any kind of alcohol of any sort, at first I was planning on just cutting back a whole lot, but I want to try and cut it out all together, BUT the keyword is "TRY" so we'll see how it goes, I'm not saying I'll NEVER drink a beer again, main thing is I want to see how long I can go without it

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Here Go's

Alright, so I've been hearing all this Hype about this site from a couple respected fellows, so I guess I'm pretty curious how this will work out.
To start out, Halloween, she did me well. Lily's was way fun, and Dallas' was just insane I don't know who DIDN'T get drunk that night, then a day of RnR with a buffet and seeing Zach and Miri which was definitely one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time.

On that note. It was a good weekend to end on
time to hang up the fermented beverages and all tobacco sorts.
have to start preparation for the 26 mile Rock 'N' Roll Marathon which right now, for me at least, seems almost impossible but we'll see what happens I guess, and to be honest I'm a little excited to start running and not drinking and what not, it'll be nice. MAYBE I'll even get a job..... but lets not get ahead of ourselves