Sunday, October 4, 2009

I hate Ethnicity

Granted I am 'Mexican', I do NOT Claim it, maybe it runs in my blood or whatever but I am NOT mexican, I've grown to dislike very many mexicans and black people and come to realize they're cheapness, Kid you not I'm lucky to get $3 out of these fuckin piece of shit minorities, why can't we just send them back, present company excluded.
But I do miss Mexican food :D
and everyone from San Diego, minus a small handful of people. They don't show any Charger games out here :( and these people THRIVE on College football it KILLS me, I've tried and watching College and getting into it, but it's so slowwww, these people can't realize that NFL is all the TOP PLAYERS from college, there's so much little intelligence in these people it's sickening. But like I said, lots of slutty girls... stupid stupid good looking Dumbbb broads, so I can't complain.
Hey alsoooo I have lost ALL contact with ANY type of music, I haven't heard New He Is Legend or New ETID or anything New since I've left, please someone fill me in.

All in all though this place isn't half bad, good WHITE people, cops are cool, Fall is actually Fall here which Winter will actually be winter, and you KNOW i'm Stoked about thatttt, love me some Christmas Season! They also have this beer here called Delerium, the first beer they just started selling with 'High Volume Alcohol' in it..... 8%, but it's mighty tasty.

I'm out Muah!


Justyn said...

Music update:

New ETID is great in my opinion, and I'm sure in your opinion you would down right love it. As with all their other CDs, at first I like it, but they grow on me like these damn genital warts.
Nathan likes new He Is Legend, so that's what THAT says about the new album COUGHnotsogoodCOUGH.
New Memphis May Fire is REALLY good.
New MATSOD is alright. Not as good as II and the first one.
Fight Paris became Stone Rider, and they're really good, but it's pure southern rock, no heavy riffs of breakdowns.
And I got into a band called Greeley Estates. They're weird hardcore that I dig, but you might/might not.
New Born of Osiris, which needless to say Tom digs.
New Emmure sucks.
I got a new band called Four Letter Lie, which is a mix between what I would like and what Nate Ikerd would like, so it's okay mild hardcore.
Once Nothing broke up a while ago but I didn't find out until recently.
I know it's not new but I'm really getting into new Between the Buried and Me.
New Red Chord sounds the same as always. But pretty good.
Continent by Acacia Strain sounds the same as all other Acacia Strain.
I messaged Twelve Gauge Valentine to see if they were coming out with anything new, but their myspace site has gone unattended to, so probably not.
Band called iwrestledabearonce is kinda gay but they have really cool merch.
I dl'ed Confide, but idk. Kinda crappy.
I dl'ed new JFAC, but I don't think it's that good. It's no Doom.
I dl'ed another southern rock band called Alabama Thunderpussy, but again, pure southern rock, no hxc.
Tom and Kam and those people really like new August Burns red. AKA it has a lot of breakdowns and.... you guessed it... china cymbal.

Thought I should tell you all this since, well you know, Nathan and Chris' music choices aren't as closely related as yours and mine.

What the fuck, though, man. You're in the epicenter of southern rock and dixie hardcore. Tell ME about some sweet Alabama breakdownage.

You should message me your address and we can send you a care package. My part would include all that music mentioned above.

PS, Martin...

I love you too.

whocareswgd said...

Music is dying in Santee and we need to resuscitate. Email me all the lyrics you have so I can sing them in our songs.

That's all I have to say.

whocareswgd said...

Also, I will inform you of new Block Party status music as soon as it is available because I know there's a small place in your heart for it. It always gets good at the end of the year anyway, and most of 2009 has been so-so.

You should visit for Winter anyway because you're the only one who understands the feeling you get in your heart during Christmas. And the weather is starting to turn here, so it is coming...