Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I love life right now. I have really great people in my life and I am very grateful for you all. We can do a whole lot of nothing but be doing something enjoyable at the same time, if that makes any sense, and it's great! Hopefully these weekends to come will be fun. I heard about this thing called The Parade of Lights down by the harbor. It's on a Sunday, unfortunate for Justyn, but I guess all the boats put up crazy lights and they have fireworks and what not. I assume it's pretty cool, and I think we should definitely think about checking it out seeing as December Nights fell through, and Four Christmases ended being a huge disappointment, but the night to follow made up for it.

Anyway on a sour note, I'm 99.5% sure that I will be, yet again, unemployed after the month of December. Although being without a job will be great, due to the free time, I am going full force in job hunting. I already have a few lined up, and just waiting for a call and interview, along with a few ideas that might turn out somewhat promising in making decent money. I'm going to try and steer clear from being the bumb I was before UPS, even though it's only been a month I feel I've somewhat matured a little bit. It actually feels really good having something to wake up for, and just working in general. So wish me luck.

Alright, well I will now proceed in watching the boob tube, and follow it with some much needed sleep dreaming of the one day my fist will meet Chris Chadwick's gut/kidney or both

Monday, December 1, 2008


SO, we all know what went down this weekend, which was amazing. Some of us made some poor choices, but we all make mistakes, and we can learn from them, in hopes that I actually will. But what a great time we all had I wish I would have stayed, but I guess I left haha. Anyways making drinks with Chris was really fun, being behind that bar was such a blast. Chris was back there for the majority, I was mainly back there anytime a girl wanted a drink for obvious reasons. The No sleep really caught up with me yesterday I fell asleep around 11 which helped me out a lot in the end.

This weekend what are we doing? Cause I'm with Chad for 'Four Christmases', anddddd possibly Ice Skating? or Lights, something, I'm just throwin them out there