Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dirty south

Its kinda weird how just having a job and my own apartment can make me feel mature, its actually kinda nice, I'm in bed by bout 11-12 every night and awake at 8 every morning I pretty much work my life away but out here there's really not much else to do, that's why everyones either an alcoholic or a pill Popper. I am neither. also living out here has made my racism on black's has increased, can't stand those motherfuckers. I've completely quit smoking but I do dip a whole lot I find myself going through a can faster and faster, it's kinda nice. I haven't gotten myself a car yet, I'm debating on just getting a cheap ass one just to get to work and back or getting a decent one and making payments, any input? oh and I've learned a good amount of Spanish, it kinda makes me want to out and learn some other languages, like French, or German so I can feel like a real racist. Anyway I'm rambling because I'm bored. this place is getting old real quick. Oh and one more thing I'm going to Mardi Gras niggaaas.
lemon out!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So ETID is coming to B-ham, and I'm actually contemplating going alone.
I've never been to a show by myself, I think I'd feel kinda pathetic, on the
other hand, I would like to maybe meet some people with the same interests
as me rather than some guys that aren't even legal here. Oh and get this
I've been nicknamed Gringo here, kinda wierd... right, I think so.

QUESTION, has any of you guys eaten at Chipotle, well that's the closest thing
to like RMF and Santanas out here and I've grown to Love it. Granted it only
has Carnitas, Chicken, or Beef and you're looking at about $9 each time you
eat there, but It just reminds me of Home good ol' greasy burritos.

I saw the first 'scene' girl out here yesterday at Wal-mart, which I actually paid
for everything when I left there, she was kinda cute but nothing great. Oh and I have
my first 'regulars' at Superior Grill (where I work) it's cool they tip Awesome, and
the wife has beautiful breasts and wears low cut shirts every time she comes in.
I'd fuck the shit out of her, on that note.... I'm Out!

Marty :D haha

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I hate Ethnicity

Granted I am 'Mexican', I do NOT Claim it, maybe it runs in my blood or whatever but I am NOT mexican, I've grown to dislike very many mexicans and black people and come to realize they're cheapness, Kid you not I'm lucky to get $3 out of these fuckin piece of shit minorities, why can't we just send them back, present company excluded.
But I do miss Mexican food :D
and everyone from San Diego, minus a small handful of people. They don't show any Charger games out here :( and these people THRIVE on College football it KILLS me, I've tried and watching College and getting into it, but it's so slowwww, these people can't realize that NFL is all the TOP PLAYERS from college, there's so much little intelligence in these people it's sickening. But like I said, lots of slutty girls... stupid stupid good looking Dumbbb broads, so I can't complain.
Hey alsoooo I have lost ALL contact with ANY type of music, I haven't heard New He Is Legend or New ETID or anything New since I've left, please someone fill me in.

All in all though this place isn't half bad, good WHITE people, cops are cool, Fall is actually Fall here which Winter will actually be winter, and you KNOW i'm Stoked about thatttt, love me some Christmas Season! They also have this beer here called Delerium, the first beer they just started selling with 'High Volume Alcohol' in it..... 8%, but it's mighty tasty.

I'm out Muah!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Good Grief

I don't blog very much do I?
I don't I really don't.
Good ol' Chargers are dissapointing this year :) awesomeeee, plus I have Rivers as my QB for Fantasy Football so he might lose me some money, I'm psyched! Jacked UP about it.
I Saw it was almost a Hundo out there in SDizzle the weather is so hard to get used to out here, I mean the humidity when its hot succcckkks, one thing I do like though is that there's tons of trees and my apartment lets in zero sunlight, kinda like a cave, dig it ,... I dig it, another thing is that it rains almost everyday, probably 2 days out of the week it's sunny, good stuff. Hot bitches out here though, hot bitch o' plenty and they're dumber than rocks .... its amazing. Another thing is that bars don't close out here apparently and they don't sell alcohol on Sundays. I do miss getting drunk for free, anytime I go out with my friends i'm spending at least $40 minimum I do drink a hell of a lot more about 4-5 beers everynight but i've only been drunk once since I've been here it's weird, oh and I make $2.75 an hour, it's cool, but I actually make a lot of money in tips, about $200 a day so it's gooooood. I also never realized how white washed I am, I work with allllll mexicans straight out of mexico some of which who don't speak a lick of english fuckin beaners

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Who's down to cover 'Revolution' by The Beatles?

This guy is....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Operation K

so this operation definitely went south
and due to that unfortunate event
you will most likely be seeing a lot less of me
I'm going to be Hibernating for the summer

UNLESS we do activities that don't include said persons:

For one.... after the 21st I can finally join you guys
to this Heavenly Place you all talk about called "Stone"
that is... If you will have me.....
Not gonna lie I'm kinda excited bout it

oh and one more thing.... I REALLY want to go camping
I say we set it up for Mid-June or something
so people can get time off work if need be
just an Idea
and honestly I don't know bout you guys... butttt
I would like it to be relaxing ...ENTOURAGE relaxing (if you guys can figure that hint out)

Sunday, March 1, 2009