Sunday, September 20, 2009

Good Grief

I don't blog very much do I?
I don't I really don't.
Good ol' Chargers are dissapointing this year :) awesomeeee, plus I have Rivers as my QB for Fantasy Football so he might lose me some money, I'm psyched! Jacked UP about it.
I Saw it was almost a Hundo out there in SDizzle the weather is so hard to get used to out here, I mean the humidity when its hot succcckkks, one thing I do like though is that there's tons of trees and my apartment lets in zero sunlight, kinda like a cave, dig it ,... I dig it, another thing is that it rains almost everyday, probably 2 days out of the week it's sunny, good stuff. Hot bitches out here though, hot bitch o' plenty and they're dumber than rocks .... its amazing. Another thing is that bars don't close out here apparently and they don't sell alcohol on Sundays. I do miss getting drunk for free, anytime I go out with my friends i'm spending at least $40 minimum I do drink a hell of a lot more about 4-5 beers everynight but i've only been drunk once since I've been here it's weird, oh and I make $2.75 an hour, it's cool, but I actually make a lot of money in tips, about $200 a day so it's gooooood. I also never realized how white washed I am, I work with allllll mexicans straight out of mexico some of which who don't speak a lick of english fuckin beaners