Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Who's down to cover 'Revolution' by The Beatles?

This guy is....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Operation K

so this operation definitely went south
and due to that unfortunate event
you will most likely be seeing a lot less of me
I'm going to be Hibernating for the summer

UNLESS we do activities that don't include said persons:

For one.... after the 21st I can finally join you guys
to this Heavenly Place you all talk about called "Stone"
that is... If you will have me.....
Not gonna lie I'm kinda excited bout it

oh and one more thing.... I REALLY want to go camping
I say we set it up for Mid-June or something
so people can get time off work if need be
just an Idea
and honestly I don't know bout you guys... butttt
I would like it to be relaxing ...ENTOURAGE relaxing (if you guys can figure that hint out)